Hotel Naggler
Christoph Philippitsch
9622 Weissbriach 72
Phone: +43 (0) 4286 / 357
Fax: +43 (0) 4286 / 404
E-Mail: info@hotel-naggler.at
UID: ATU 72145029
Online Content
The author accepts no responsibility for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information supplied. Liability claims against the author based on damages of material or emotional nature, caused by the use or non-use of information presented, or through the use of erroneous or incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, in so far as the author is not guilty of any demonstrably willful or gross negligence. All information presented is subject to change and is non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete, or shut down portions of the site without notice, or to close down this publication in its entirety either temporarily or permanently.
References and Links
With regards to direct or indirect references to external Internet sites ("links") which are themselves outside the field of responsibility of the author, liability for illegal content will only then be assumed if the author has knowledge of the content of those sites and it is technically feasible and reasonable for the author to prevent usage of said sites. The author hereby expressly declares that, at the time links were installed on this site, no illegal content was apparent on the targeted sites. The author has absolutely no influence on the current or future design, content or copyright of the linked pages. Consequently, the author expressly distances himself from all content on said linked pages which have been altered since installation of the original link. This declaration applies to all references and links within the author's own Internet site, as well as entries made by other parties in guestbooks, discussion forums and mailing lists which were created by the author. Sole liability for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content, and particularly for damages which might by caused by use or non-use of any such information supplied, is born by the provider of the target site, and not by the provider who included a link to that particular site.
Copyright and Trademarking
The author makes every effort in all publications to respect copyright on all graphics, audio files, video clips and texts, and to make use of self-created graphics, audio files, video clips and texts, or to avail himself of non-licensed graphics, audio files, video clips and texts. All those brand names and trademarks cited in the author's Internet platform, some of which are, on occasion, protected by third parties, are subject without restriction to applicable copyright laws and the proprietary rights of the registered owners. The conclusion should not be drawn from their mere naming, that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights! Copyrights for those objects published and created by the author himself, remain solely with the author. Duplication or use of such graphics, audio documents, video clips and texts in other electronic or print publications, is not permitted, except with the expressed permission of the author.
Data Privacy
As long as the website provides the opportunity to enter personal or business information (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), the user does so on an expressly voluntary basis. The user therefore agrees that his data in this case will be electronically recorded and - until written revocation - will be used for own mailing of MTS Austria GmbH and its partners. The user may avail himself and/or pay for all proffered services - insofar as it is technically possibly or feasible - without having to enter such information or by providing anonymous data or a pseudonym.
Datenschutzerklärung für die Nutzung von Google Analytics
Diese Website benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics verwendet sog. "Cookies", Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch Sie ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Website werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Im Falle der Aktivierung der IP-Anonymisierung auf dieser Webseite wird Ihre IP-Adresse von Google jedoch innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt.
Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. Im Auftrag des Betreibers dieser Website wird Google diese Informationen benutzen, um Ihre Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen gegenüber dem Websitebetreiber zu erbringen. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von Ihrem Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt.
Sie können die Speicherung der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser-Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website vollumfänglich werden nutzen können. Sie können darüber hinaus die Erfassung der durch das Cookie erzeugten und auf Ihre Nutzung der Website bezogenen Daten (inkl. Ihrer IP-Adresse) an Google sowie die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch Google verhindern, indem sie das unter dem folgenden Link verfügbare Browser-Plugin herunterladen und installieren: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.
Legal Force of this Liability Disclaimer
This liability disclaimer is to be regarded as part of those Internet pages from which it was referenced. In so far as portions or isolated formulations of the text do not, no longer or incompletely reflect applicable law, the content and validity of the remaining portions of the document remain unaffected.
Online-dispute resolution according to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO
The European Commission provides under http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ a plattform for online-dispute resolution.
Google Analytics
Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC with headquarters in Mountain View, United States ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies". These are text files which are saved on your computer and enable an analysis of your use of this website. The information generated by these cookies will usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. However, if the IP anonymisation is activated on our website, Google will shorten your IP address within the Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area beforehand. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP anonymisation on our website is activated. Google uses this information on our behalf to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about the website activities and to perform services related to the use of the website and the internet for us. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.
You can prevent the storing of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly. However, we would like to point out that you might not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent in that case. In addition, you can prevent the collection of data created by the cookie and data relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) as well as the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link: tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
We use Google Analytics with the extension „_anonymizeIp()“. With this, IP addresses are shortened (so-called IP masking). A reference to particular persons is therefore ruled out. Google participates in the EU-US Privacy Shield, https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework.
Thus, there is an appropriate data protection level in in exceptional cases where Google transmits personal data to the USA. Information about Google: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
Detailed information about the conditions of use of Google: www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html
Detailed information about privacy policy of Google: www.google.com/intl/de/analytics/privacyoverview.html